Selfie - wearing glasses
Selfie of Kimo Weiler - holding a Spraycan


Hi there! I’m Kimo Weiler. Born in 2006, I have Czech roots but have been proudly calling Switzerland my home since birth.

My curiosity drives me to explore new horizons and experiment with fresh ideas. I’m passionate about following my interests and seeing where they take me.


After finishing secondary school, I spent a year in St. Gallen at a design preparatory course.

Now, I’m working as a graphic design apprentice in Zurich and also running my own design projects.

Plus, I’ve trained as a J+S Snowboard Instructor, blending my love for design with my passion for snowboarding and other sports.


I place great importance on mutual trust - without it, nothing would work.

On the other hand, it’s important to take action because waiting for the perfect moment might mean it’s too late.

My life motto is to make use of what’s available to you and not wait for the right moment.


Sport is my life’s fuel—without it, I’m like a phone running on low battery.

I love making the most of every moment, from hanging out with friends to diving into my hobbies. In my spare time, you’ll find me designing, exploring the latest fashion trends, testing out new perfumes, and soaking up all forms of art and lifestyle.

I’m also a big fan of investing in myself and always on the lookout for new ways to grow. And of course, food is my ultimate joy—what’s life without a little deliciousness?



Our first release with our fashion brand ULICE wasn’t exactly smooth sailing. Often, we felt unsure about our next steps and navigated the fashion scene somewhat blindly.

By the end, we realized just how much effort goes into a release or drop. Despite the challenges, I’d say it was one of my most valuable lessons in the business world.

In the end, we managed to pull off a successful drop, which made it all worthwhile.

Graffiti Project

My first graffiti project was one of my biggest achievements so far. I learned a lot about how to approach and work on a project in a new way. It was also my first time pitching my own idea.

Even though it took many hours of hard work, the experience was worth it.

My tip for everyone is to step out of your comfort zone and make new memories, whether they are good or bad.


Building my own brand was quite tough. I often changed my business plan, then the logo, and so on. Eventually, I realized I just needed to start and stick with something.

The beginning was a bit challenging, but over time, things gradually improved. I learned that you can’t get everything perfect right away - you have to adapt and improve as you go.

I'm happy to have a website that marks the official start of my personal brand and the beginning of my career.


Finding the right people, lifestyle, environment, or even the right business can be challenging, but I’m grateful to have some supportive people around me who help me grow.

A phrase that has stuck with me since I first heard it is: Your network is your net worth.


Graffiti Project - Badi Winkeln Erlenbach - Kimo Weiler
Vision Board 2 - Kimo Weiler


The vision for the brand is to create a lifestyle community of like-minded individuals who share our passion and support each other as we grow.
It's about breaking free from the ordinary and inspiring others to fully embrace life—creating unforgettable memories and creative designs.

In the end, it’s the shared experiences, the things we feel, see, smell, and touch, that bring us together. My brand aspires to earn trust by valuing quality over quantity and offering more than just products - it offers an experience.

The goal is to encourage people to believe in their dreams and pursue what they love, even when it feels risky. After all, you’ll never know what’s possible unless you take that first step.



I want to grow with the brand and share what I’ve learned, both in business and personally. I’m focused on improving my skills in content creation and taking on exciting projects that leave people amazed.

My goal is to create new things - whether products or projects that help and inspire others, making life a bit more positive and encouraging.

Vision Board - Kimo Weiler
Ulice Hoodie lying on the floorGraffiti Bus - Kimo Weiler
Red ShoesGraffiti Cans - laying on the ground


Our mission is to build a lifestyle brand that unites a community of people who share our passion. We aim to offer high-quality products and experiences that inspire everyone to enjoy life and pursue their dreams.

We also want to share the story behind the brand and our journey, giving a behind-the-scenes look at what drives us. By focusing on creativity, authenticity, and genuine connections, we strive to make a positive impact and encourage others to take bold steps toward what they love.

Sitting in a Car
Bookcover - Weilerkimo
Finished Project - Graffiti Erlenbach - Badi Winkeln - Kimo Weiler
Typography S - Project
Yoga Poster - Project



Discovery & Research

  • We begin by collecting all the important details about your project.

    This includes setting clear goals, learning about your target audience, and researching the market.
  • Outcome: A clear project brief and strategic plan that sets the direction for the entire project.

Concept & Ideation

  • Next, we come up with and develop creative ideas that fit your needs.

    We look at different options and focus on the best ones.
  • Outcome: Presentation of initial concepts or drafts for your review and approval.

Design & Development

  • With the approved concept, we move on to creating the actual design or product.

    This phase involves detailed development and iterative improvements based on your feedback.
  • Outcome: A completed prototype or near-final product, ready for final refinements.

Testing & Finalization

  • Finally, we test the product to ensure it meets all quality standards and functions as intended.

    Any last adjustments are made based on feedback.
  • Outcome: A polished, final product ready for launch or delivery.

lets work together :)



Selfie of Kimo Weiler


creative designer